A simple Spelling Test program in Python

Today I’m starting my first simple Python program, a Spelling Test application that I hope will allow me to outsource a repetitive and time consuming tiger parenting task.

The program will need to:

  1. Take in a list of 10 new spelling words each week
  2. Provide a randomised list of:
    1. The weeks 10 new spelling words
    2. 10 words taken from the universe of all input spelling words
  3. Provide a spoken prompt to spell each word
  4. Receive the child’s input and assess accuracy
  5. Stare in cold disappointment should the child make an error

Additional features that would be welcome but not essential

  1. Provide some sort of reporting on frequency of words tested, most common errors etc
  2. Be accessible from a tablet

I’ll post back here if and when I complete the project.

About tom

Product of parthenogenesis, beyond that not much more is known.
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